Custom Internal Stats

The reference Nano node has internal stat counters that are used to monitor a number of aspects of the node such as incoming and outgoing tcp traffic, they can be accessed via the stats RPC. While the node is setup to monitor a large number of elements it may be necessary to add your own custom counters for current or future features.

Adding a Custom Stat

If we wanted to measure the number of incoming messages from our peers we could setup an internal counter with a custom type as traffic_count and then add an additional detail traffic_incoming which would be a subset within this custom type. To setup this custom type we need to edit:


        case nano::stat::type::vote_generator:
            res = "vote_generator";
+       case nano::stat::type::traffic_count:
+           res = "traffic_count";
+           break;
    return res;
    case nano::stat::detail::invalid_network:
        res = "invalid_network";
+   case nano::stat::detail::traffic_incoming:
+       res = "traffic_incoming";
+       break;
return res;
-               vote_generator
+               vote_generator,
+               traffic_count
-               generator_spacing
+               generator_spacing,
+               traffic_incoming


  • Now you can add your custom counter to the point in the node code to start counting. In this example we are putting it in nano/node/network.cpp inside the nano::network::network function:
    if ( == id)
        process_message (message, channel);
+       this-> (nano::stat::type::traffic_count, nano::stat::detail::traffic_incoming);

Accessing your custom stat

When testing on the beta network you can get your custom stats using this command:

curl -d '{ "action" : "stats", "type" : "counters" }'

This will give an output for example:

            "time": "20:45:33",
            "type": "traffic_count",
            "detail": "all",
            "dir": "in",
            "value": "5593"
            "time": "20:45:33",
            "type": "traffic_count",
            "detail": "traffic_incoming",
            "dir": "in",
            "value": "5593"
    "stat_duration_seconds": "155"